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  • Writer's pictureWhat It Takes

A day in the life of a Showjumper!

International Showjumper Harry Bateman gives us an insight to his daily routines.

"I usually wake at 6am most days, and get outside to the horses by 6:30 to feed them their breakfast and hay. My groom and I start to muck the horses out at 7am, before I start riding for 8am.

I ride around 7 horses a day at home, and some days I visit other stables to ride other horses for their owners. It is hard work but feeling that the horses you are riding are improving is so rewarding!

Usually I finish up the yard by 5pm for the night, and after this I go to the gym to work out for a few hours. A social life hard to achieve, but with stay-away competitions we are able to socialise with friends in the evenings after competing"

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Harry Bateman- What It Takes. A BBC3 production documentary.

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